Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Zoo trip

I need to watch my proportions; Especially the heads, as of late

Yesterday's trip to the zoo was my first time life drawing animals!

The other ones I did are mostly gestural looking stuff, because the animals kept moving and my hands were too cold to do anything more precise. My results are kind of disappointing, but I have to start somewhere;

I've been working on a portfolio for the past few days and pretty much all of the material are things that I've never done before. I hope I can at least finish and send it in on time, even if I end up getting rejected.

Friday, 7 January 2011

first post!

I guess this will be my sketchblog for studies and stuff, since my Livejournal is for more anime draws and designs. I think it is a good idea to keep them separate.
It's kind of embarrassing to post these, but I thought it might be an incentive to work harder and be able to post better material;

this is supposed to be an egg

Trying to sketch cool things and ultimately failing (hara)

I did this in December. I tried roughly replicating the image (referenced from this)

My observational abilities aren't very good ...
Here's to hoping for improvement!