Friday, 9 December 2011

Life Drawing class

Dumping all of this class' assignments in one post
Thurman is a good teacher. And I must say I was expecting to do worse in this class, but I'm getting consistent B's (in Sheridan's marking scheme) even though I personally think I haven't improved as much as the others; I haven't attended any extra life sessions either...

I really need to work on my gesture and volume, and a lot of other things. It always did feel like a test every session; so frustrating for me!

Life Drawing
12 minute 4-figure exercise (sep)

Portfolio 1 (sep-Nov)

Portfolio 2 (Nov-Dec)

Royal Winter Fair animal drawings (Nov. 10)
Probably by far my favourite part part of this class. I love drawing animals!
It was tougher than I expected, but I find it easier to see them in gesture/structure than humans.

Bone drawings
(Shamefully I powered through these in 9-12 hours...
and thus was more than frazzled when it came time to research and explain the parts. /terrible student)

Hands & Feet (reposting here too)

1 comment:

    I've always wanted to say something.. Your drawings are so beautiful Papii! I really love the flow of your figure drawings. And those animal drawings are impressive! You capture them so well. Also like the shading you did on the bones. As usual your hands and feet drawing are really good. Pretty much anything you draw is! I need to learn from you Papii.
